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Development reference table Online Tools

Android Manifest features and permissions.

The Android Manifest is an XML file that contains important metadata about your Android app. It includes details such as the app's package name, version number, and components like activities, services, and broadcast receivers. One critical aspect of the Android Manifest is the declaration of permissions. Permissions are used to control access to various system resources, like the camera, microphone, or Internet connectivity. Apps must declare the permissions they need within the Manifest file, and users must grant them explicitly when installing or running the app. Without proper permission declaration and management, your app could be rejected from the Google Play Store or seen as a security risk to users. Additionally, more recent versions of Android have required apps to ask for some permissions at runtime, which means that you must build in support for requesting and obtaining permission dynamically. Overall, the Android Manifest plays a crucial role in defining your app's capabilities and ensuring that it operates securely within the Android platform.

MimeType File Format Quick Reference Table

The MimeType file format quick reference table is a guide that lists the different types of file formats and their corresponding MIME types. MIME types are a way of identifying files on the internet and are used to ensure that the correct software or application is used to open a particular file. The table provides a quick reference for web developers, programmers, and anyone who needs to work with different file types. It is organized alphabetically by file extension, making it easy to find the corresponding MIME type for a particular file format.

List of DNS addresses

A DNS address list (sometimes referred to as DNS server list) is a collection of domain name system (DNS) server addresses. DNS is a system that translates domain names (such as into IP addresses that computers can understand. When you access a website, your computer sends a request to a DNS server, which returns the IP address for that website, allowing your computer to establish a connection. A DNS address list typically contains multiple DNS server addresses, which can provide redundancy in case one server fails or is unavailable. It can also be used to improve network performance by selecting the fastest available server. DNS address lists can be manually configured on a computer or obtained automatically from an internet service provider.

HTTP Status Code Explanation

List of HTTP status codes refers to the three digit status code returned by the server to the client in the HTTP protocol, which indicates the response result of the server.

Keyboard symbols in English.

1. Ampersand "&" - represents the word "and"2. Asterisk "*" - used as a wildcard or to denote multiplication3. At sign "@" - used in email addresses4. Backslash "\" - used to separate file paths in computer systems 5. Colon ":" - denotes a ratio or time 6. Comma "," - used to separate items in a list or indicate a pause in speech7. Dollar sign "$" - denotes currency 8. Exclamation mark "!" - used to express strong emotion or emphasis9. Forward slash "/" - used to separate parts of a URL or file path 10. Hashtag "#" - used to denote keywords or topics in social media 11. Hyphen "-" - used to join words or indicate a separation 12. Parentheses "()" - used to group words or numbers13. Period "." - used to end a sentence or indicate decimal point 14. Plus sign "+" - denotes addition or inclusion 15. Question mark "?" - used to indicate a question 16. Quotation marks """" - used to indicate speech or a quote 17. Semicolon ";" - used to separate clauses in a sentence 18. Underscore "_" - used to represent a space or connect words in a file name.

ASCII reference table.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a widely used character encoding system that represents text using 7-bit binary numbers. The ASCII character set includes 128 characters, which include both uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, punctuation marks, and special characters such as control characters and non-printable characters. The ASCII code assigns a unique number to each character, making it possible for computers to represent and communicate text data in a standardized manner. The ASCII table lists all 128 characters and their respective ASCII codes.

HTTP Status Code Explanation

List of HTTP status codes refers to the three digit status code returned by the server when the response information in the HTTP protocol is returned to the client.

Operator precedence

Operator precedence is a set of rules that determines the order in which mathematical and logical operators are evaluated in an expression. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated first, while operators with lower precedence are evaluated later. In programming languages, the order of evaluation can impact the outcome of an expression, so understanding operator precedence is essential for writing correct and efficient code. Examples of operators with high precedence include exponentiation and negation, while examples of operators with low precedence include addition and multiplication. It's important to note that parentheses can be used to override the default precedence and force certain operators to be evaluated first.

TCP/UDP Common Port Reference.

TCP/UDP are two communication protocols used for data transmission across networks. Each protocol uses different sets of port numbers to differentiate between different types of data flows.Some commonly used TCP ports include:- Port 80: used for web browsing- Port 25: used for email transmission- Port 443: used for secure web browsing- Port 21: used for FTP (file transfer protocol)Some commonly used UDP ports include:- Port 53: used for DNS (domain name system)- Port 123: used for NTP (network time protocol)- Port 161: used for SNMP (simple network management protocol)- Port 514: used for syslog (system logging protocol)Understanding these commonly used TCP/UDP port numbers can help network administrators troubleshoot and optimize network traffic.

PHP Function Reference Table

The PHP Function Reference Table is a comprehensive list of functions available in the PHP programming language. It provides developers with detailed documentation and examples for each function, including its parameters, return values, and possible errors. This table is an essential resource for PHP programmers as it helps them to understand how to use different functions and how to accomplish specific tasks in their projects. Additionally, it helps them to save time and effort as they don't need to write functions from scratch. Overall, the PHP Function Reference Table is an invaluable tool for PHP developers of all levels.

Keyboard and Mouse Key-Value Mapping Table

Below is a simple table showing the key value mappings for keyboard and mouse buttons:Keyboard key | Corresponding Key Value--- | ---A | 65B | 66C | 67D | 68E | 69F | 70G | 71H | 72I | 73J | 74K | 75L | 76M | 77N | 78O | 79P | 80Q | 81R | 82S | 83T | 84U | 85V | 86W | 87X | 88Y | 89Z | 900 | 481 | 492 | 503 | 514 | 525 | 536 | 547 | 558 | 569 | 57Mouse button | Corresponding Key Value--- | ---Left button | 1Right button | 2Middle button | 4Fourth button | 8Fifth button | 16

JavaScript Event and Function Reference Guide

JavaScript events are actions that can be detected by the browser or web page. They can be used to trigger functions and update elements on the page based on user interactions or other events.Here is a list of some common JavaScript events:1. click - The user clicks on an element2. blur - An element loses focus3. focus - An element gains focus4. mouseover - The user's mouse moves over an element5. mouseout - The user's mouse leaves an element6. keydown - The user presses a keyboard key7. keyup - The user releases a keyboard key8. load - The document or image has finished loading9. submit - A form is submitted10. resize - The browser window is resized11. scroll - The user scrolls the pageThese events can be used to create interactive and dynamic websites. For example, a click event could be used to toggle a dropdown menu or expand a section of content. The keydown event could be used to trigger a search function when the user types in a search query. The possibilities are endless!

Commonly used browsers (PC, mobile) user-agent.

User Agent refers to a request header field on the network that is typically carried by the client when sending a request to the server. It can tell the server the relevant information about the operating system, browser, app, and other software of the client, so that the server can handle it appropriately according to different software types.

Comprehensive collection of special symbols.

Here's a brief introduction to various special symbols:1. Ampersand (&) - Used to represent 'and' in text.2. Asterisk (*) - Represents multiplication in math, and is often used as a wildcard in programming.3. At sign (@) - Used in email addresses to separate the username from the domain name.4. Pound or hash symbol (#) - Commonly used in social media to tag or categorize posts.5. Dollar sign ($) - Denotes currency and is used to represent prices, among other things.6. Percentage sign (%) - Used to show a percentage value, such as 50%.7. Exclamation mark (!) - Adds emphasis or shows excitement in text.8. Question mark (?) - Used to indicate a question in text.9. Tilde (~) - Can mean "approximately" or "similar to" in certain contexts.10. Plus sign (+) - Represents addition in math and can also be used in social media tags.These are just a few examples of special symbols - there are many more!

HTTP Response Header and Request Header Information Comparison Table

HTTP request and response headers are metadata used to transfer information between the client and server. The following is a comparison table of HTTP response header and request header information: | Request header information | Response header information | Description | | --- | --- | Host | | Server name or IP address of the request | User Agent | User agent software ID of the requesting user | Reference | URL address of the request page | Accept | | Tell the server the type of data that can be processed | Accept Encoding | Tell the server the supported data compression format | Accept Lang Uage | | Tell the server the supported languages | Connection | Connection | Tell the server whether to close the connection after the request is completed | Cookie | Set Cookie | Cookie information of the client | Authorization | | User authentication information | If Modified Since | | Cache control, Tell the server the time of the last request | Content Type | | Data type of the request body | Content Length | | Data length of the request body | Range | | Breakpoint continuation, request to obtain resources within a specified range | If None Match | ETag | Cache control, tell the server the ETag information of the last request | The above is a comparison table of some common information between HTTP request headers and response headers, Different request and response headers have different roles and meanings. Through this information, servers and clients can communicate more effectively and improve the efficiency of network transmission.

HTTP Request Method Comparison Table

HTTP Request Method Comparison Table

EASCII Code Table

The EASCII (Extended ASCII) code table is a standard method of representing characters in digital form. It is an extension to the original ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code table and adds 128 additional character codes. These codes are used to represent different symbols, characters and punctuation marks, mainly used in European languages. The EASCII code table is widely used in computer systems, communication protocols, and data storage devices. It is essential for encoding and decoding strings of characters in computer programming and networking applications.

GB2312 Simplified Chinese Character Encoding Table

GB2312 is a widely used character encoding system for simplified Chinese. It contains over 6,000 characters, including commonly used Chinese characters, punctuation marks, and symbols. Each character is represented by a unique code, allowing computers to display and process Chinese text. GB2312 became an official standard in China in 1981 and is still widely used today, although it has been largely superseded by the more comprehensive Unicode encoding system.

ipv6 public DNS lookup

IPv6 public DNS query is a network technology aimed at providing a fast and accurate solution for IPv6 address resolution services used by global network users. IPv6 public DNS queries can be used to locate and access websites, domain names, and IP addresses on the Internet. By using an IPv6 public DNS server, users can quickly obtain all information related to their network connection, thereby improving network performance and security. The IPv6 public DNS query service has now been widely used in various industries worldwide, including enterprises, government agencies, and individual users.

Shortcut keys Online Tools

Word shortcut keys.

Word shortcut keys are some combination of shortcut keys used to improve the efficiency of Microsoft Word applications. By pressing shortcut keys, users can quickly complete complex tasks such as pasting, cutting, and undoing. Some common Word shortcuts include: Ctrl+C for copying text, Ctrl+V for pasting text, Ctrl+Z for undoing the previous action, and Ctrl+B for bold text. Mastering Word shortcut keys proficiently can help users complete tasks more efficiently and improve production efficiency.

Complete list of Excel keyboard shortcuts

Here is a brief introduction of Excel shortcut keys:Excel shortcut keys can help you to work faster and more efficiently when you use Microsoft Excel. There are many Excel shortcut keys available, including those for formatting, navigation, data entry, and more. Some popular Excel shortcut keys include Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste), Ctrl+Z (undo), and Ctrl+S (save). By memorizing and using these shortcuts, you can save a lot of time and effort when working with Excel.

Complete List of PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a brief introduction to PowerPoint shortcut keys:1. Insert a new slide: Ctrl+M2. Duplicate a slide: Ctrl+D3. Move to the next slide: Space or Enter4. Move to the previous slide: Backspace or Shift+Enter5. Display a black screen: B6. Display a white screen: W7. Start the slide show: F58. End the slide show: Esc9. Show/hide the grid: Ctrl+G10. Group selected objects: Ctrl+G11. Ungroup selected objects: Ctrl+Shift+G12. Align selected objects: Ctrl+E (center), Ctrl+L (left), Ctrl+R(right), Ctrl+T (top), Ctrl+B (bottom)13. Copy selected object: Ctrl+C14. Cut selected object: Ctrl+X15. Paste copied object: Ctrl+VThese are just a few of the many shortcut keys available in PowerPoint. Learning and using them can help you quickly and efficiently create and edit presentations.

Complete list of commonly used hotkeys in WPS Spreadsheet

Here are some commonly used shortcut keys for WPS Spreadsheets:1. Ctrl+C: Copy selected cells or text2. Ctrl+X: Cut selected cells or text3. Ctrl+V: Paste copied or cut cells or text4. Ctrl+Z: Undo the last action5. Ctrl+Y: Redo the last action6. Ctrl+A: Select all cells in the current worksheet7. Ctrl+B: Bold selected text or cells8. Ctrl+I: Italicize selected text or cells9. Ctrl+U: Underline selected text or cells10. Ctrl+Shift+: Insert a new row above the current row11. Ctrl+Shift+-: Delete the current row12. Ctrl+Shift+,: Insert a new column to the left of the current column13. Ctrl+Shift+.: Delete the current column14. Ctrl+F: Find and replace text or values within the worksheet15. Ctrl+H: Replace specific text or values within the worksheet16. Ctrl+Shift+T: Insert the current date in a cell17. Ctrl+Shift+;: Insert the current time in a cell18. Alt+Enter: Enter a line break within a cell19. F2: Edit the contents of a selected cell20. F4: Toggle between absolute and relative cell references.

WPS commonly used keyboard shortcuts for text:

WPS text commonly used shortcut keys: 1 New document: Ctrl+N2. Open document: Ctrl+O3 Save document: Ctrl+S4. Save as: F125 Close Document: Ctrl+W6. Exit WPS Text: Alt+F47 Undo: Ctrl+Z8. Redo: Ctrl+Y9 Cut: Ctrl+X10. Copy: Ctrl+C11 Paste: Ctrl+V12. Select All: Ctrl+A13 Deselect: Esc14. Search: Ctrl+F15 Replace: Ctrl+H16. Font: Ctrl+D17 Paragraph alignment: Ctrl+J18. Bold font: Ctrl+B19 Italic font: Ctrl+I20. underline: Ctrl+U These shortcut keys can help users improve the efficiency and speed of document editing.

WPS Presentation Common Keyboard Shortcuts Full List

Here is a list of common shortcut keys for WPS Presentation:1. New presentation: Ctrl + N 2. Open a presentation: Ctrl + O 3. Save a presentation: Ctrl + S 4. Print a presentation: Ctrl + P 5. Undo: Ctrl + Z 6. Cut: Ctrl + X 7. Copy: Ctrl + C 8. Paste: Ctrl + V 9. Duplicate: Ctrl + D 10. Insert a new slide: Ctrl + M 11. Delete a slide: Delete 12. Hide a slide: Ctrl + H 13. Show a hidden slide: Ctrl + Shift + H 14. Select all elements on a slide: Ctrl + A 15. Align text left: Ctrl + L 16. Align text center: Ctrl + E 17. Align text right: Ctrl + R 18. Bold: Ctrl + B 19. Italicize: Ctrl + I 20. Underline: Ctrl + U These are just a few of the most commonly used shortcut keys. There are many more available in WPS Presentation that can help you save time and work more efficiently.

common sense Online Tools

Paper size inquiry

Paper size query is the process of determining the size of a piece of paper. Paper sizes are generally identified by their dimensions, which can vary depending on the specific type of paper being used. Common paper sizes include A4, letter, legal, and tabloid. Paper size query is an important aspect of printing and publishing, as it ensures that the correct size of paper is used for a given project. This can help to avoid wasted paper and expensive mistakes, as well as ensuring that documents are easy to handle and read.

The Clothing Size Conversion Chart.

A clothing size conversion chart is a tool used to compare the size standards of different countries or regions. It typically lists the numerical sizing for tops, bottoms, dresses, and other clothing items in inches, centimeters, or both. This allows people to easily find their size when shopping for clothing internationally or from brands that use different size conventions. Some conversion charts may also provide measurements for specific body parts, such as bust, waist, and hips, to give a more accurate fit.

World currencies

There are many different currencies used around the world. Here are some examples:1. United States Dollar (USD) - Used in the United States of America and several other countries as their official or de facto currency.2. Euro (EUR) - Used in 19 European Union countries.3. British Pound (GBP) - Used in the United Kingdom and several British territories.4. Japanese Yen (JPY) - Used in Japan.5. Chinese Yuan (CNY) - Used in China.6. Canadian Dollar (CAD) - Used in Canada.7. Australian Dollar (AUD) - Used in Australia.8. Swiss Franc (CHF) - Used in Switzerland.9. South African Rand (ZAR) - Used in South Africa.10. Indian Rupee (INR) - Used in India.

List of country capitals

Here is a list of some of the world's capital cities:1. Beijing, China2. Tokyo, Japan3. Moscow, Russia4. Cairo, Egypt5. London, United Kingdom6. Paris, France7. Berlin, Germany8. Rome, Italy9. New Delhi, India10. Washington D.C., United States 11. Brasília, Brazil 12. Canberra, Australia13. Ottawa, Canada14. Mexico City, Mexico15. Pretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), and Bloemfontein (judicial), South Africa.

Country dialing codes and time differences

Here is a brief introduction to the country codes and time differences of different countries:1. United States: Country Code +1; Time Difference -8 to -5 hours (depending on location)2. China: Country Code +86; Time Difference +8 hours3. United Kingdom: Country Code +44; Time Difference 0 to +1 hour (depending on location)4. Australia: Country Code +61; Time Difference +8 to +11 hours (depending on location)5. Japan: Country Code +81; Time Difference +9 hours6. Germany: Country Code +49; Time Difference +1 to +2 hours7. Canada: Country Code +1; Time Difference -3.5 to -8 hours (depending on location)8. India: Country Code +91; Time Difference +5.5 hours9. France: Country Code +33; Time Difference +1 to +2 hours10. Brazil: Country Code +55; Time Difference -2 to -5 hours (depending on location)Please note that these time differences are subject to change due to daylight saving time or other factors.

Worldwide time

Around the world, there are different time zones that determine what time it is in a particular location. The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, with each zone representing 1 hour of difference from the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example, if it's 5pm in London (GMT), then it would be 12pm in New York City (Eastern Standard Time) and 9am in Los Angeles (Pacific Standard Time). Some countries and regions may also observe daylight saving time, which involves setting the clocks forward by 1 hour during the summer months to make better use of natural daylight. Therefore, it's important to be aware of the time differences when traveling or communicating with people in different parts of the world.

Chronological Table of Chinese Dynasties

Here is a brief introduction to the chronological order of Chinese dynasties:1. Xia Dynasty (c. 2100-1600 BC) 2. Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC) 3. Zhou Dynasty (c. 1046-256 BC) 4. Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) 5. Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) 6. Three Kingdoms (220-280) 7. Jin Dynasty (265-420) 8. Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589) 9. Sui Dynasty (581-618) 10. Tang Dynasty (618-907) 11. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907-960) 12. Song Dynasty (960-1279) 13. Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) 14. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) 15. Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)

National flags of various countries

United States Flag: The American flag has 50 stars representing the 50 states, and 13 stripes representing the original 13 colonies.United Kingdom Flag: The UK flag, also known as the Union Jack, is a combination of three flags to represent the countries that make up the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.Russian Flag: The Russian flag has three horizontal stripes, white on the top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom.Chinese Flag: The Chinese flag is red with five gold stars. The largest star represents the Communist Party of China and the four smaller stars represent the four classes of people mentioned in Mao Zedong's "Four Classes" speech.Japanese Flag: The Japanese flag is a simple white rectangle with a red circle in the center, symbolizing the sun.Mexican Flag: The Mexican flag features three vertical stripes, with green on the left, white in the middle, and red on the right. The coat of arms of Mexico is located in the center of the white stripe.Indian Flag: The Indian flag features three horizontal stripes, with saffron representing courage and sacrifice, white representing peace and purity, and green representing prosperity.Brazilian Flag: The Brazilian flag has a green field with a large yellow diamond in the center containing a blue circle with 27 stars, representing the 26 states and one federal district of Brazil.French Flag: The French flag has three vertical stripes, blue on the left, white in the middle, and red on the right. It is known as the tricolore.

Country code top-level domain (ccTLD)


Industry code search

Industry code lookup is a process of searching for specific industry codes that represent different types of businesses or industries. These codes are used for various purposes such as business registration, tax filing, economic analysis, and other administrative purposes. The industry codes are usually classified based on the type of economic activity, products or services provided, or other factors that differentiate one industry from another. The industry code lookup usually involves accessing databases or websites that provide information on industry codes, and then inputting specific criteria to search for the desired code.

Emperors of various dynasties in China.

China was ruled by many different emperors throughout its history. These emperors were the absolute monarchs of China and wielded extensive political, administrative, and military power. The earliest Chinese emperors were the legendary Yellow Emperor and his successors, who ruled during China's ancient times. Some of the most famous Chinese emperors include Qin Shi Huang, who first united China and initiated the construction of the Great Wall; Han Wudi, who expanded Chinese territory and established the Silk Road trade route; Tang Xuanzong, who presided over China's golden age of cultural and economic prosperity; Song Huizong, who was an accomplished artist and patron of the arts; and Kangxi, who was one of the longest-reigning and most successful emperors of the Qing Dynasty.The last Chinese emperor was Puyi of the Qing Dynasty, who was overthrown during the Xinhai Revolution in 1911. Today, China is a republic and has no monarchy.

other Online Tools

The complete set of emoticons.

Emoji symbols are pictorial representations of emotions, objects, and concepts that are widely used in electronic communications such as messaging, social media, and email. They were first introduced in Japan in the late 1990s and have since gained global popularity. Emojis come in various categories such as smileys and people, animals and nature, food and drink, travel and places, activities, objects, symbols, and flags. Within each category, there are different variations of the same concept, allowing for a vast range of expression. For example, the smiley category includes emojis for laughing, smiling, winking, and crying, among others. Similarly, the animals and nature category includes emojis for cats, dogs, birds, and flowers, to name a few.Emoji symbols have become an integral part of modern digital communication, allowing users to express a wide range of emotions and ideas in a simple, yet effective way. The development of new emojis continues to expand, with new additions being added each year to represent the evolving language of digital communication.

Highway inquiry phone number.

The phone number for high speed highway queries is a service hotline individuals can call to obtain information about highways. This hotline is designed to assist drivers who need information about things such as the current road conditions or potential detours on their travels. By calling this number, people are able to receive up-to-date information quickly and easily, allowing them to make safe and informed driving decisions.

Map coordinate system

A map coordinate system is a way to identify and locate positions on a map using a set of numerical coordinates. There are different types of coordinate systems used in mapping, including latitude and longitude, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), and Military Grid Reference System (MGRS). Latitude and longitude is the most commonly used coordinate system, which defines locations based on degrees of latitude and longitude on the Earth's surface. UTM divides the Earth into 60 zones and uses a grid system to specify locations within those zones. MGRS is a system used by the military that combines UTM with a grid system to provide precise locations for military operations. The use of coordinate systems allows for accurate and efficient navigation and mapping of locations around the world.

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