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Keyboard symbols in English.

1. Ampersand "&" - represents the word "and"2. Asterisk "*" - used as a wildcard or to denote multiplication3. At sign "@" - used in email addresses4. Backslash "\" - used to separate file paths in computer systems 5. Colon ":" - denotes a ratio or time 6. Comma "," - used to separate items in a list or indicate a pause in speech7. Dollar sign "$" - denotes currency 8. Exclamation mark "!" - used to express strong emotion or emphasis9. Forward slash "/" - used to separate parts of a URL or file path 10. Hashtag "#" - used to denote keywords or topics in social media 11. Hyphen "-" - used to join words or indicate a separation 12. Parentheses "()" - used to group words or numbers13. Period "." - used to end a sentence or indicate decimal point 14. Plus sign "+" - denotes addition or inclusion 15. Question mark "?" - used to indicate a question 16. Quotation marks """" - used to indicate speech or a quote 17. Semicolon ";" - used to separate clauses in a sentence 18. Underscore "_" - used to represent a space or connect words in a file name.

符号 中文 英文
~ 波浪号 tilde
` 反引号,重音号 backquote,backtick,grave accent
# 井号 number sign,pound sign,hash mark
#! sha-bang
| 竖线 pipe,vertical bar
' 单引号 single quote
" 双引号 double quote,quotation mark
$ 美元符号 dollar sign
. 点,句号 dot,period,point
! 感叹号 exclamation mark,bang
% 百分号,取余 percent,mod
@ 艾特 at symbol
° 度数 degree
* 星号,乘号 asterisk,star,multiplication symbol
( 左圆括号,左小括号 open parenthesis
(( double parentheses
& and符号,和 and symbol
[ 左方括号,左中括号 open bracket
[[ double brackets
{ 左大括号,左花括号 curly brace,curly bracket,brace
= 等号 equal
+ 加号 plus
- 减号,连字符 minus,hyphen
_ 下划线 underscore,underline
\ 反斜杠 backslash,escape
/ 斜杠,除号 slash,division symbol
: 冒号 colon
; 分号 semicolon
< 小于号 less than sign
> 大于号 greater than sign
, 逗号 comma
? 问好 question mark
^ 折音号 circumflex,caret
<> 尖括号 angle brackets

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