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Operator precedence

Operator precedence is a set of rules that determines the order in which mathematical and logical operators are evaluated in an expression. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated first, while operators with lower precedence are evaluated later. In programming languages, the order of evaluation can impact the outcome of an expression, so understanding operator precedence is essential for writing correct and efficient code. Examples of operators with high precedence include exponentiation and negation, while examples of operators with low precedence include addition and multiplication. It's important to note that parentheses can be used to override the default precedence and force certain operators to be evaluated first.

Java 运算符优先级
运算符 优先级
postfix expr++ expr--
unary ++expr --expr +expr -expr ~ !
multiplicative * / %
additive + -
shift << >> >>>
relational < > <= >= instanceof
equality == !=
bitwise AND &
bitwise exclusive OR ^
bitwise inclusive OR |
logical AND &&
logical OR ||
ternary ? :
assignment = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>=
Precedence Operator Description Associativity
1 :: Scope resolution Left-to-right
2 ++   -- Suffix/postfix increment and decrement
() Function call
[] Array subscripting
. Element selection by reference
−> Element selection through pointer
3 ++   -- Prefix increment and decrement Right-to-left
+   Unary plus and minus
!   ~ Logical NOT and bitwise NOT
(type) Type cast
* Indirection (dereference)
& Address-of
sizeof Size-of
new, new[] Dynamic memory allocation
delete, delete[] Dynamic memory deallocation
4 .*   ->* Pointer to member Left-to-right
5 *   /   % Multiplication, division, and remainder
6 +   Addition and subtraction
7 <<   >> Bitwise left shift and right shift
8 <   <= For relational operators < and ≤ respectively
>   >= For relational operators > and ≥ respectively
9 ==   != For relational = and ≠ respectively
10 & Bitwise AND
11 ^ Bitwise XOR (exclusive or)
12 | Bitwise OR (inclusive or)
13 && Logical AND
14 || Logical OR
15 ?: Ternary conditional Right-to-Left
16 = Direct assignment (provided by default for C++ classes)
+=   −= Assignment by sum and difference
*=   /=   %= Assignment by product, quotient, and remainder
<<=   >>= Assignment by bitwise left shift and right shift
&=   ^=   |= Assignment by bitwise AND, XOR, and OR
17 throw Throw operator (for exceptions)
18 , Comma Left-to-right
Precedence Operator Description Associativity
1 ++ -- Suffix/postfix increment and decrement Left-to-right
() Function call
[] Array subscripting
. Structure and union member access
−> Structure and union member access through pointer
(type){list} Compound literal(C99)
2 ++ -- Prefix increment and decrement Right-to-left
+ Unary plus and minus
! ~ Logical NOT and bitwise NOT
(type) Type cast
* Indirection (dereference)
& Address-of
sizeof Size-of
_Alignof Alignment requirement(C11)
3 * / % Multiplication, division, and remainder Left-to-right
4 + Addition and subtraction
5 << >> Bitwise left shift and right shift
6 < <= For relational operators < and ≤ respectively
> >= For relational operators > and ≥ respectively
7 == != For relational = and ≠ respectively
8 & Bitwise AND
9 ^ Bitwise XOR (exclusive or)
10 | Bitwise OR (inclusive or)
11 && Logical AND
12 || Logical OR
13 ?: Ternary conditional Right-to-Left
14 = Simple assignment
+= −= Assignment by sum and difference
*= /= %= Assignment by product, quotient, and remainder
<<= >>= Assignment by bitwise left shift and right shift
&= ^= |= Assignment by bitwise AND, XOR, and OR
15 , Comma Left-to-right
结合方向 运算符 附加信息
非结合 clone new clone 和 new
[ array()
非结合 ++ -- 递增/递减运算符
非结合 ~ - (int) (float) (string) (array) (object) (bool) @ 类型
非结合 instanceof 类型
右结合 ! 逻辑操作符
* / % 算术运算符
+ - . 算术运算符 和 字符串运算符
<< >> 位运算符
非结合 < <= > >= <> 比较运算符
非结合 == != === !== 比较运算符
& 位运算符 和 引用
^ 位运算符
| 位运算符
&& 逻辑运算符
|| 逻辑运算符
? : 三元运算符
= += -= *= /= .= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= 赋值运算符
and 逻辑运算符
xor 逻辑运算符
or 逻辑运算符
, 多处用到




Python 运算符优先级
运算符 描述
lambda Lambda表达式
or 布尔“或”
and 布尔“与”
not x 布尔“非”
in,not in 成员测试
is,is not 同一性测试
<,<=,>,>=,!=,== 比较
| 按位或
^ 按位异或
& 按位与
<<,>> 移位
+,- 加法与减法
*,/,% 乘法、除法与取余
+x,-x 正负号
~x 按位翻转
** 指数
x.attribute 属性参考
x[index] 下标
x[index:index] 寻址段
f(arguments...) 函数调用
(experession,...) 绑定或元组显示
[expression,...] 列表显示
{key:datum,...} 字典显示
'expression,...' 字符串转换

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