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Text Online tools

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Idiom dictionary.

An idiom dictionary is a reference book that lists and explains commonly used idiomatic expressions in a particular language. Idioms are phrases or expressions whose meanings cannot be understood from the individual words alone. These expressions often have cultural or historical origins and are used to convey a specific meaning or message. The dictionary provides definitions, examples of usage, and sometimes the history and origin of each idiom. It is a useful tool for anyone learning a new language or trying to improve their communication skills in a given language.


A "Xiehouyu" (歇后语) is a type of traditional Chinese phrase which consists of two parts: the first part sets up a scenario or describes a situation, while the second part offers a humorous or thought-provoking conclusion. Often, this second part is a play on words or makes use of puns. Xiehouyu are usually used in informal conversation or as a way to show wit or intelligence. They have been a popular part of Chinese culture for hundreds of years and are still used frequently today in everyday conversation.


A dictionary is a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words in a particular language, with explanations of the meanings of those words, their pronunciation, and sometimes also information about their origins and usage. It is a useful tool for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and improve their understanding of a language.


A dictionary is a reference book that contains an alphabetical list of words in a language, with information on their meanings, pronunciations, and sometimes origins or usage. It is used to look up the meaning of words, understand how to use them in sentences, check spellings, and find synonyms and antonyms. Dictionaries can be found in print and online formats and are an essential tool for anyone learning or studying a language.

English dictionary

An English dictionary is a reference book that contains words and their meanings, along with additional information like pronunciation, usage, etymology, synonyms, and antonyms. It is an essential tool for anyone learning or using the English language, whether as a native speaker or non-native speaker. English dictionaries may come in different formats, such as print, online, or mobile applications, and cater to various audiences, from students and professionals to language enthusiasts and researchers.


Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. For example, "happy" and "joyful" are synonyms because they both mean experiencing or expressing happiness. Having a good understanding of synonyms can help expand your vocabulary and improve your writing and speaking skills.

Garbage classification inquiry

Garbage classification inquiry refers to the process of checking which category a specific garbage item belongs to according to the local garbage sorting rules. It typically involves using a search tool, either in a mobile application or online platform, to input the name, picture or description of the item. The tool then identifies the correct category of the garbage item and provides guidelines on how to dispose of it properly. This helps individuals and communities to effectively separate and recycle waste, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

word processing Online Tools

Text Deduplication

Text deduplication is a feature that can help identify and remove duplicate copies of the same text. It can detect and remove duplicate words or phrases, as well as duplicate sentences or paragraphs. This can be a useful tool for ensuring that there is no duplicate content in text documents, which can help improve a text’s overall quality.

Word count calculation statistics.

Word count is the process of determining the number of words in a written or typed piece of text. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as measuring the length of an article, tracking progress on a writing task, or ensuring that a text adheres to a specific word count requirement. Word count can be calculated manually by counting each individual word in a text, or it can be automatically generated by word processing software or online tools. Some programs also offer additional statistics, such as character count, sentence count, or reading time.

Calculate time interval

Calculating time intervals involves determining the duration of time between two specific points in time or events. This can be done by subtracting the later time or event from the earlier one. The resulting duration can be expressed in various units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the context of the situation. Time intervals can be calculated manually using basic arithmetic or by using specialized software or online calculators.

Convert numbers to Chinese capital letters

The process of converting numbers into their corresponding Chinese characters is called "数字转中文大写" or "numerical conversion to Chinese uppercase." It involves assigning the appropriate Chinese character to each digit in a given number based on its position and value, following a set of rules and conventions. The resulting output is a string of Chinese characters that represents the given number in written form. This process is commonly used in (but not limited to) financial, legal, and administrative contexts involving Chinese characters.

Chinese character conversion tool

A Simplified and Traditional Chinese converter is a tool that allows you to convert text or documents from simplified Chinese characters to traditional Chinese characters, or vice versa. It is often used in communication or translation between mainland China, Singapore, and Malaysia (using simplified Chinese) and Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau (using traditional Chinese). This can help to prevent confusion and misunderstandings caused by the use of different writing systems. The tool is commonly used by Chinese language students, translators, and businesses to facilitate cross-border communication and understanding.

Chinese characters are converted to pinyin in Chinese.

Chinese characters can be converted into pinyin, which is a system of phonetic notation used to represent the pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese. Pinyin uses the Latin alphabet to represent the sounds of Mandarin Chinese, and each character is given a corresponding pinyin spelling. This system allows Chinese-speaking people to more easily read and write Chinese characters, and also helps non-native speakers to learn to speak and understand Mandarin Chinese.

Capitalization of English letters

English alphabet can be written in upper and lower case. Capital letters are usually used to represent important situations such as proper nouns, acronyms, beginning sentences, or titles. Minuscule are used for general text and content.

Full-width/Half-width conversion

Full-width/half-width conversion refers to the process of converting characters between two different character sets - full-width and half-width. Full-width characters take up two spaces, while half-width characters take up one space. This conversion is commonly used in computer programming and digital typography, where full-width characters may be required for certain display purposes, but half-width characters are more common for regular text. This conversion can involve changing the width of both text and numerical characters.

Random number generation

Random number generation is the process of generating a sequence of numbers that cannot be predicted beforehand. The numbers are generated in a way that is unbiased and independent from each other, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as in statistical analysis, cryptography, and simulations. There are various methods of generating random numbers, including mathematical algorithms, physical random number generators, and random selection from a pre-determined list. Random number generation is an important tool in many fields, especially in computer science and data analysis.

Line character generation

Line font generation is the process of creating fonts or typography that consist of only lines instead of solid shapes or fillings. This type of font is often used in minimalist design or for creating a technical or futuristic look. The generation of line fonts typically involves creating a set of rules or algorithms for generating the strokes or lines that make up each letter or character. The result is a font that appears sophisticated and modern, with clean lines and a distinct visual appeal.

Ancient book typesetting text vertical conversion tool

The traditional Chinese book layout often requires text to be arranged in vertical columns, which can be difficult to do with modern word processing software. That’s where the antique book typesetting text vertical conversion tool comes in. This tool allows users to easily convert horizontal text into vertical columns, mimicking the layout of ancient Chinese texts. It helps to preserve the traditional look and feel of Chinese literature while making it more accessible in the digital age.

Reverse sort tool

Reverse Inverted Sort Tool is a tool that helps to sort data in the reverse order, which means it sorts the data in descending order instead of ascending. Additionally, it also performs an inverted sort, which means that it reverses the position of the data. For example, if the original data was ABCD, the inverted data will be DCBA. This tool is useful when you need to quickly sort and rearrange data in a different order than the original.

English Monetary Amount in Words Conversion.

英文金额大写转换是指将阿拉伯数字表示的金额转换成英文单词表示的金额。例如将“1234.56”转换成“ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR AND 56/100 DOLLARS”。这种转换通常用于商业和金融领域的文书格式化,以便更加清晰和规范地呈现金额信息。这种转换通常需要遵循一定的规则和限制,比如需要对整数部分和小数部分进行分别转换,需要注意国际惯例和地区差异等。

Chinese to Wubi

Chinese to Wubi Converter is a tool that converts Chinese text input into Wubi input method. Wubi is a phonetic typing method for Chinese characters, using combinations of alphabets in the QWERTY keyboard to represent Chinese characters. By using Wubi, users can input Chinese characters quickly and accurately without memorizing complicated Chinese character stroke order or pinyin. This tool is useful for those who want to improve their Chinese typing speed and efficiency.

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