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Traditional Chinese Colors

Traditional Chinese colors are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and history. There are five main colors that represent the core elements of nature – red, yellow, green, black, and white. Red symbolizes joy, luck, and good fortune. It is used in many celebrations and festivals, such as Chinese New Year. Yellow represents earth and the center of the universe, and is often associated with the emperor and imperial family. Green is associated with plants and nature, and represents peace and harmony. Black represents darkness and the unknown, and is often used in calligraphy and painting to convey a sense of depth and intrigue. White represents purity and innocence, and is often used for mourning and funerals. In addition to these five main colors, other traditional Chinese colors include blue, purple, and gold, each of which also holds a unique meaning and significance in Chinese culture.

  • 蔚蓝#70f3ff
  • #44cef6
  • 碧蓝#3eede7
  • 石青#1685a9
  • 靛青#177cb0
  • 靛蓝#065279
  • 花青#003472
  • 宝蓝#4b5cc4
  • 蓝灰色#a1afc9
  • 藏青#2e4e7e
  • 藏蓝#3b2e7e
  • #4a4266
  • 黛绿#426666
  • 黛蓝#425066
  • 黛紫#574266
  • 紫色#8d4bbb
  • 紫酱#815463
  • 酱紫#815476
  • 紫檀#4c221b
  • 绀青#003371
  • 紫棠#56004f
  • 青莲#801dae
  • 群青#4c8dae
  • 雪青#b0a4e3
  • 丁香色#cca4e3
  • 藕色#edd1d8
  • 藕荷色#e4c6d0
  • 朱砂#ff461f
  • 火红#ff2d51
  • 朱膘#f36838
  • 妃色#ed5736
  • 洋红#ff4777
  • 品红#f00056
  • 粉红#ffb3a7
  • 桃红#f47983
  • 海棠红#db5a6b
  • 樱桃色#c93756
  • 酡颜#f9906f
  • 银红#f05654
  • 大红#ff2121
  • 石榴红#f20c00
  • 绛紫#8c4356
  • 绯红#c83c23
  • 胭脂#9d2933
  • 朱红#ff4c00
  • #ff4e20
  • #f35336
  • 酡红#dc3023
  • #ff3300
  • 茜色#cb3a56
  • #a98175
  • #b36d61
  • 嫣红#ef7a82
  • 洋红#ff0097
  • 枣红#c32136
  • 殷红#be002f
  • 赫赤#c91f37
  • 银朱#bf242a
  • #c3272b
  • 胭脂#9d2933
  • 栗色#60281e
  • 玄色#622a1d
  • 松花色#bce672
  • 柳黄#c9dd22
  • 嫩绿#bddd22
  • 柳绿#afdd22
  • 葱黄#a3d900
  • 葱绿#9ed900
  • 豆绿#9ed048
  • 豆青#96ce54
  • 油绿#00bc12
  • 葱倩#0eb83a
  • 葱青#0eb83a
  • 青葱#0aa344
  • 石绿#16a951
  • 松柏绿#21a675
  • 松花绿#057748
  • 绿沈#0c8918
  • 绿色#00e500
  • 草绿#40de5a
  • 青翠#00e079
  • 青色#00e09e
  • 翡翠色#3de1ad
  • 碧绿#2add9c
  • 玉色#2edfa3
  • #7fecad
  • 艾绿#a4e2c6
  • 石青#7bcfa6
  • 碧色#1bd1a5
  • 青碧#48c0a3
  • 铜绿#549688
  • 竹青#789262
  • 墨灰#758a99
  • 墨色#50616d
  • 鸦青#424c50
  • #41555d
  • 樱草色#eaff56
  • 鹅黄#fff143
  • 鸭黄#faff72
  • 杏黄#ffa631
  • 橙黄#ffa400
  • 橙色#fa8c35
  • 杏红#ff8c31
  • 橘黄#ff8936
  • 橘红#ff7500
  • 藤黄#ffb61e
  • 姜黄#ffc773
  • 雌黄#ffc64b
  • 赤金#f2be45
  • 缃色#f0c239
  • 雄黄#e9bb1d
  • 秋香色#d9b611
  • 金色#eacd76
  • 牙色#eedeb0
  • 枯黄#d3b17d
  • 黄栌#e29c45
  • 乌金#a78e44
  • 昏黄#c89b40
  • 棕黄#ae7000
  • 琥珀#ca6924
  • 棕色#b25d25
  • 茶色#b35c44
  • 棕红#9b4400
  • #9c5333
  • 驼色#a88462
  • 秋色#896c39
  • 棕绿#827100
  • 褐色#6e511e
  • 棕黑#7c4b00
  • 赭色#955539
  • 赭石#845a33
  • 精白#ffffff
  • 银白#e9e7ef
  • 铅白#f0f0f4
  • 霜色#e9f1f6
  • 雪白#f0fcff
  • 莹白#e3f9fd
  • 月白#d6ecf0
  • 象牙白#fffbf0
  • #f2ecde
  • 鱼肚白#fcefe8
  • *屏蔽的关键字*#fff2df
  • 荼白#f3f9f1
  • 鸭卵青#e0eee8
  • #e0f0e9
  • 青白#c0ebd7
  • 蟹壳青#bbcdc5
  • 花白#c2ccd0
  • 老银#bacac6
  • 灰色#808080
  • 苍色#75878a
  • 水色#88ada6
  • #6b6882
  • 乌色#725e82
  • 玄青#3d3b4f
  • 乌黑#392f41
  • #75664d
  • #5d513c
  • 黝黑#665757
  • 缁色#493131
  • 煤黑#312520
  • 漆黑#161823
  • 黑色#000000

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