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全部提示词 SEO 企业管理 内容创作 准备面试 医疗知识 工具 市场营销 影视/音乐 心理/社交 教育 教育学习 日常生活 法律文书 演讲/辩论/脱口秀 点评/评论 程序员 角色扮演 诗歌/文学 语言/翻译
请以人的口吻,采用缩略语、成语、过渡短语、感叹词、悬垂修饰语和口语化语言,避免重复短语和不自然的句子结构,撰写一篇关于 [主题] 的文章。
write an article about [主题] in a human-like style, simple Chinese, using contractions, idioms, transitional phrases, interjections, dangling modifiers, and colloquialisms and avoiding repetitive phrases and unnatural sentence structures.
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请根据以下提示撰写一份【报告主题】调研报告。您可以根据您的研究领域自由发挥,但请确保您的报告具有以下特征:1. 具有明确的问题陈述和研究目的;2. 包含对现有文献和数据的全面分析和综述;3. 采用适当的方法和技术进行数据收集和分析;4. 提供准确的结论和建议,以回答研究问题并解决研究目的。
Please write a research report on a topic of [主题]. Respond in Chinese. Ensure that your report includes the following features: 1. A clear problem statement and research objective; 2. A comprehensive analysis and review of existing literature and data; 3. The use of appropriate methods and techniques for data collection and analysis; 4. Accurate conclusions and recommendations to answer the research question and address the research objective. Please keep the report concise and well-structured, using relevant examples to illustrate your points.
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根据人们的愿望产生数字创业的想法。例如,当我说 [企划目标] 时,你要为数字创业公司生成一份商业计划书,其中包括创意名称、简短的单字、目标用户角色、需要解决的用户痛点、主要价值主张、销售和营销渠道、收入来源、成本结构、关键活动、关键资源、关键合作伙伴、创意验证步骤、预计第一年的运营成本,以及需要寻找的潜在商业挑战。把结果写在一个标记表中。
Generate digital startup ideas based on the wish of the people. For example, when I say [企划目标], you generate a business plan for the digital startup complete with idea name, a short one liner, target user persona, user's pain points to solve, main value propositions, sales & marketing channels, revenue stream sources, cost structures, key activities, key resources, key partners, idea validation steps, estimated 1st year cost of operation, and potential business challenges to look for. Write the result in a markdown table. Respond in Chinese.
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I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign in Chinese to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion request is [推广产品]
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