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Convert database SQL to POJO

In software development, it is common to interact with databases in order to store and retrieve data. SQL is often used to query databases and retrieve the results in a tabular format. However, in order to work with this data in a more object-oriented manner, it can be helpful to map the SQL query results to corresponding Java objects.POJO stands for Plain Old Java Object, which is a simple Java class that has no dependencies on any particular framework or technology. One way to convert SQL query results to POJOs is to use an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool such as Hibernate or MyBatis. These tools provide a way to map database tables to corresponding Java classes and handle the conversion of data types between the two.Alternatively, you can manually write code to convert SQL query results to POJOs. This involves iterating over the ResultSet returned from the SQL query and creating new instances of the corresponding Java class for each row of data. Then, the data from each column in the ResultSet is mapped to the corresponding fields in the Java class using setter methods.Overall, converting SQL to POJOs involves the process of mapping database data to Java objects, which can make it easier to work with in a more object-oriented manner.


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