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web safe colors

Web-safe colors refer to a set of 216 colors that are considered safe to use across different platforms and browsers. These colors were defined during the early days of web design when computer monitors were limited in their color capabilities. The purpose of web-safe colors was to ensure consistent and predictable color rendering across various devices. Web-safe colors consist of 216 colors that are represented by hexadecimal values. Each color is a combination of red, green, and blue (RGB) values, where each component can have a value of 0 to 255. These colors are created by evenly dividing the RGB color space into 6 levels for each component, resulting in a total of 216 possible combinations. The use of web-safe colors was important in the past to prevent dithering and color distortion on older displays. However, with advancements in technology and the prevalence of modern devices with higher color capabilities, the need for strict adherence to web-safe colors has diminished. Nowadays, web designers have a broader color palette to choose from, but understanding web-safe colors can still be helpful when considering color consistency across different platforms and older devices. In summary, web-safe colors are a limited set of 216 colors that were once used to ensure consistent color rendering across various devices. Although their importance has decreased over time, they can still be a useful consideration for maintaining color consistency in certain situations.


HTML#666666 RGB 102 102 102

HTML#666699 RGB 102 102 153

HTML#6666CC RGB 102 102 204

HTML#6666FF RGB 102 102 255

HTML#669966 RGB 102 153 102

HTML#669999 RGB 102 153 153

HTML#6699CC RGB 102 153 204

HTML#6699FF RGB 102 153 255

HTML#66CC66 RGB 102 204 102

HTML#66CC99 RGB 102 204 153

HTML#66CCCC RGB 102 204 204

HTML#66CCFF RGB 102 204 255

HTML#66FF66 RGB 102 255 102

HTML#66FF99 RGB 102 255 153

HTML#66FFCC RGB 102 255 204

HTML#66FFFF RGB 102 255 255

HTML#996666 RGB 153 102 102

HTML#996699 RGB 153 102 153

HTML#9966CC RGB 153 102 204

HTML#9966FF RGB 153 102 255

HTML#999966 RGB 153 153 102

HTML#999999 RGB 153 153 153

HTML#9999CC RGB 153 153 204

HTML#9999FF RGB 153 153 255

HTML#99CC66 RGB 153 204 102

HTML#99CC99 RGB 153 204 153

HTML#99CCCC RGB 153 204 204

HTML#99CCFF RGB 153 204 255

HTML#99FF66 RGB 153 255 102

HTML#99FF99 RGB 153 255 153

HTML#99FFCC RGB 153 255 204

HTML#99FFFF RGB 153 255 255

HTML#CC6666 RGB 204 102 102

HTML#CC6699 RGB 204 102 153

HTML#CC66CC RGB 204 102 204

HTML#CC66FF RGB 204 102 255

HTML#CC9966 RGB 204 153 102

HTML#CC9999 RGB 204 153 153

HTML#CC99CC RGB 204 153 204

HTML#CC99FF RGB 204 153 255

HTML#CCCC66 RGB 204 204 102

HTML#CCCC99 RGB 204 204 153

HTML#CCCCCC RGB 204 204 204

HTML#CCCCFF RGB 204 204 255

HTML#CCFF66 RGB 204 255 102

HTML#CCFF99 RGB 204 255 153

HTML#CCFFCC RGB 204 255 204

HTML#CCFFFF RGB 204 255 255

HTML#FF6666 RGB 255 102 102

HTML#FF6699 RGB 255 102 153

HTML#FF66CC RGB 255 102 204

HTML#FF66FF RGB 255 102 255

HTML#FF9966 RGB 255 153 102

HTML#FF9999 RGB 255 153 153

HTML#FF99CC RGB 255 153 204

HTML#FF99FF RGB 255 153 255

HTML#FFCC66 RGB 255 204 102

HTML#FFCC99 RGB 255 204 153

HTML#FFCCCC RGB 255 204 204

HTML#FFCCFF RGB 255 204 255

HTML#FFFF66 RGB 255 255 102

HTML#FFFF99 RGB 255 255 153

HTML#FFFFCC RGB 255 255 204

HTML#FFFFFF RGB 255 255 255

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